28 days drinking Skinny Coffee Club, my honest opinion


      Happy day Lovely People,
   Today I write to you something completely different! Do you know Skinny Coffee Club? I think you do because Instagram is full of fitness and gorgeous women, not like me but not for gorgeous -Oh, la, la- I mean for fitness haha. They contact me to try their coffee and talk about its results and why not! I am a coffee lover and when I listen “do you want to try?” I jump from my sofa, it doesn’t matter if it is food, cosmetics or whatever.
   I started drinking Skinny Coffee the same day I started my new workout routine. I will write a post about it but I will explain you a bit. I used to do cardio 1, 2 or 3 times per week and I change it and now I do cardio once and TRX suspension bands twice but always a minimum of 3 times per week.
   Now, let’s talk about the coffee! They have two versions of it. the Classic one, 28 Day Weight Loss Program, and the Night one, 28 Night Weight Loss Program. I choose the day-classic one because I think is a bad idea to mix coffee and night. I want to explain also that I don’t want to lose weight… OKAY, let’s be honest… not “weight” itself but a bit of belly could be perfect haha but I see also a lot of promises that coffee does, not just for losing weight, so I tried it.
   To do a completely review about it I will talk about specific points, based on products description, and give my opinion:
  • Preparation. On the packaging says you can use a French Press and I have to confess I didn’t know what it was until now hahaha I use a little coffee pot that makes me three expresso cups of coffee. I drink it with almond milk and without sugar as a usually drink coffee.
  • Taste. Well… it tastes delicious but for a coffee lover as me, I was living in Italy for a year and I still dream with their coffee, coffee tastes is too soft to me but I think it could be perfect for people who prefer it not too strong. It also tastes similar to my Chai tea I think because it also has green tea.
  • To lose weight fast. On the website says you get “94% lost weight fast”. I can’t compare it with percentages but I lost 1 kilogram on a month. I think that it isn’t just because I drank this coffee, I think it is a mixture of 3 days of sport per week and Skinny Coffee as well.
  • Reduction in appetite. They also say that 95% experienced a reduction in appetite. I am like Black hole I nothing, NOTHING, takes my appetite off hahaha So I’m part of this 5% but it was something impossible to happen to me.
  • Reduction of bloating. That’s completely TRUE and I looove it! It was one of the main “promises” why I decided to try it and it works with me. I haven’t got Kayla Itsines belly, yet, but I’m working on it.
   Here you have everything you need to know about Skinny Coffee Club. What do you think? Have you tried it or another similar?
   Lots and lots of kisses,
      E. 💕

     Feliz día Lovely People,
   Hoy voy a hablarte de algo completamente diferente. ¿Conoces Skinny Coffee Club? Probablemente sí ya que Instagram está lleno de chicas guapísimas y en forma, no como yo pero no por lo de guapísima -Oh, la, la- sino por lo de en forma jajaja. Se pusieron en contacto conmigo para que probase su café y os diera mi opinión y ¡por qué no! Soy una amante del café y cuando alguien me dice “¿Quieres probar?” doy un salto del sofá, ya sea comida, cosméticos o lo que sea.
   Empecé a beber Skinny Coffee el mismo día que comencé mi nueva rutina de ejercicio. En un futuro próximo escribiré un post sobre ello pero os explicaré un poco. Solía hacer cardio 1, 2 o 3 veces a la semana y lo cambié. Ahora hago cardio una vez a la semana y bandas de suspensión TRX dos veces a la semana, pero mínimo hago deporte 3 veces.
   Ahora, ¡hablemos sobre el café! Tienen dos versiones, una Clásica, 28 Day Weight Loss Program, y una Nocturna, 28 Night Weight Loss Program. Elegí la versión de día-clásica ya que no me parecía muy buena idea eso de mezclar café con la noche. También quiero explicar que no quiero perder peso… BUENO, VENGA, VALE… seamos honestos… no “peso” en sí pero un poco de barriguita no me importaría la verdad jaja también cuando leí las especificaciones del café ví algunas que me llamaban la atención más allá de la pérdida de peso así que por eso decidí probarlo.
   Para hacer un review de lo más completa hablaré sobre puntos específicos, basados en la descripción del producto, y daré mi opinión:
  • Preparación. En el sobre de café especifica que uses una Prensa Francesa o algo así y tengo que confesar que no tenía ni idea de lo que era hasta ahora jajaja Yo uso una pequeña cafetera que tengo que hace unos 3 cafés tamaño expreso. Suelo beberlo con leche de almendras y sin azúcar, al igual que cualquier otro café.
  • Sabor. Bien… está delicioso la verdad, pero para una amante del café como yo, estuve viviendo en Italia un año y aún sueño con su café, el sabor de éste es demasiado suave para mi. Aún así creo que puede ser perfecto para aquellas personas que no le guste el café tan fuerte. Su sabor también me recuerda a mi té Chai, creo que porque Skinny Coffee lleva también en su composición té verde.
  • Perder peso rápidamente. En la web se especifica literalmente que consigues “perder peso un 94% más rápido”. No puedo hablar de porcentajes en sí, obviamente, pero he perdido 1 kilo en un mes. Creo que no es solamente porque haya bebido este café, es debido a la combinación tanto de 3 días de deporte a la semana como de Skinny Coffee.
  • Reduce el apetito. También se explica en la web que el “95% experimenta una reducción de apetito”. A ver, yo soy un auténtico Agujero Negro y nada, nada, me quita el apetito jajaja Así que soy parte de ese 5% pero eso es algo completamente imposible en mí.
  • Reduce el hinchazón. Este punto es completamente CIERTO y ¡estoy loca de contenta! Fue uno de los aspectos principales por el cual decidí probar el café y la verdad que a mí me ha funcionado. No tengo el vientre perfecto de Kayla Itsines, todavía, pero estoy trabajando en ello.
   Y este es un resumen de todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Skinny Coffee Club. ¿Qué te parece? ¿Has probado este café o alguna bebida similar?
   Cientos y cientos de besos,
      E. 💕

12 comentarios:

  1. I got approached by this brand sometime ago, but had to turn it down cos I'm not a coffee drinker. Sounds like a goodie. Great detailed review! :-)


  2. I've never heard of the skinny coffee club but it sounds like something I would be interested in even though I know I'll be in that 5% that didn't experience any changes XD. Starting the two programs at the same time sounds intensive! I feel like if you're already at your optimal weight, you're not really going to lose anything. At the most, probably trim some fat. At least the taste wasn't too bad!


    1. Hahahaha but that 5% are the best! I'm also in that 5% about losing appetite. It was so intensive but I needed to do more exercise again. With summer, you know, I was all the time eating and going out and that is a good reason to start a new routine.

  3. I've never heard of this brand before. I did try MateFit Tea but only lasted around a week on it before I completely forgot I even had them. Thanks, for sharing!

    cabin twenty-four

    1. Hehe it is so hard to be constant! I think I drank it everyday because I was thinking on my review and I want to share my point of view but to start a new habit is always complicated.

  4. Great that it helped against feeling bloated! Too bad it didn't stop your appetite, but I feel you on that one, I never ever loose my appetite, haha

    Marije | thegfguide.com

    1. hahaha you are with me on that 5% It is imposible to stop our appetite haha

  5. This is one of the best reviews I've read on the skinny coffee! I've always heard about it on Instagram but was never sure if it actually worked. Also I'm with you that I never loose my appetite haha. Great review babe x

    x Kara | http://karascloset.net/

    1. Hi Kara! I think that it is so important to practice sport. Nobody lost weight sitting on the sofa but I will look for the way because I'm so lazy haha Yihaaa! Another from this 5% that doesn't look appetite.

  6. Thanks for sharing such an honest review of your experiences, I'll definitely consider looking into this product!

    Heather xx


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